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A python package for analysing simulated 21-cm signals from the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) and Cosmic Dawn (CD). Full documentation (with examples, installation instructions and complete module description) can be found at readthedocs.

Package details

The package provides tools to analyse cosmological simulations of EoR and CD. It contains modules to create mock 21-cm observations for current and upcoming radio telescopes, such as LOFAR, MWA and SKA, and to construct statistical measures.


Currently, Tools21cm supports the following simulation codes:


There are various manipulation and analysis moduled in Tools21cm.

For detail documentation and how to use them, see here.

Under Developement


Before installing this package, please make sure that cython and numpy are installed. One can install a stable version of this package using pip by running the following command::

pip install tools21cm

This package is being actively under-development, which involves addition of new modules and bug fixes. In order to use the latest version, one can clone this package.

To install the package from source, one should clone this package running the following::

git clone

To install the package in the standard location, run the following in the root directory::

python install

In order to install it in a separate directory::

python install --home=directory

One can also install the latest version using pip by running the following command::

pip install git+

The dependencies should be installed automatically during the installation process. If they fail for some reason, you can install them manually before installing tools21cm. The list of required packages can be found in the requirements.txt file present in the root directory.


For testing, one can use pytest or nosetests. Both packages can be installed using pip. To run all the test script, run the either of the following::

python -m pytest tests

nosetests -v


If you find any bugs or unexpected behavior in the code, please feel free to open a Github issue. The issue page is also good if you seek help or have suggestions for us. For more details, please see here.